2. Noun. An enforced compliance or control ¹
3. Noun. A systematic method of obtaining obedience ¹
4. Noun. A state of order based on submission to authority ¹
5. Noun. A punishment to train or maintain control ¹
6. Noun. A set of rules regulating behaviour ¹
7. Noun. A flagellation as a means of obtaining sexual gratification ¹
8. Noun. A specific branch of knowledge or learning ¹
9. Noun. A category in which a certain art, sport or other activity belongs, or a sub-category of said activity. ¹
10. Verb. (transitive) To train someone by instruction and practice. ¹
11. Verb. (transitive) To teach someone to obey authority. ¹
12. Verb. (transitive) To punish someone in order to (re)gain control. ¹
13. Verb. (transitive) To impose order on someone. ¹
¹ Source: wiktionary.com